Pics Start Date:

July 4, 2014

Notes Date (end):

October 2, 2014

Okay... it has been far too long since we've done a Core Dump... We've been doing a lot of software development and the parts are all coming together in exciting ways!  However, out of concern about losing some of the details from our design discussions before having a chance to implement the designs in code, I'm going to try to capture some of the design output here.


Protocol Specifications


Compository Functions

Proxy Tunnels (entanglement / coupling)


CD_038+juicy bits

Matching of outward aspects to inward aspects of the receptor you are installing into.

Proxy tunnels as "Let there be light." base protocol

Pluggable Security Model


Protocols, Compository, Proxy, Proxies, Tunnels, Aspects, 

view (naked) not supported for CD_038+pics



Wheeled by Wagn v. 0.18.1