Pics Start Date:

June 22, 2014

Notes Date (end):

July 2, 2014

Getting Back to Coding:  Starting with Semtrex



  1. Build "Label Table" for hashing semantic labels from human friendly (system default language, eventually with multi-lingual support) to generate fixed size hashes to be used as semantic identifiers by semtrex.
  2. Build semtrex that can parse a tree serialization format (ASCII text) to trees in memory.
  3. Build Receptor Skeleton: Define, Declare, Instantiate
  4. Build scape framework (so that the Flux/Log can operate off of a system scape for receptors)
  5. Build Flux / Log / Inter-Receptor Bus including sub-logger permissions for shared memory access, and status indicators & access/update timestamps for garbage collection
  6. Build Actions: Request, Respond, Transform (Exec)


We identified the beginnings of inter-receptor signal serialization headers (see photos)


Name Spaces & Label Tables:

Every receptor holds its own semantic symbol table (label table) and is a unique namespace. Namespaces can be traversed relatively, or at the local VMhost root. Also, the compository as a psuedo-global (local to all of CEPTR) identity space for composable elements with a UUID algorithm and approach comparable to joining the Ceptr network via triangulation and trust.  This allows CEPTR network messages between VMhosts to maintain semantic coherence.


The contents of the Compository itself, should be implemented in a manner similar to a bittorrent DHT, with confirmation of distributed payload via SHA/MD5 from a trusted source.


Threshold is a better name than Membrane as it embodies the threshing and the holding and sense of a transformative boundary, rather than simply a covering.

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