Pics Start Date:

April 7, 2012

Notes Date (end):

April 8, 2012

Against a background of flux/change, a loop (the ability for a process to say itself again) is the first "order" the first stability from which all future order/process can be constructed. I AM. Identity Recursed.


Without a process that can repeat there is no order.


First relationships: before/after, start/during/end, 0/1 (0=noise, 1=looping), inside/outside (non-spatial), 


re-cognize: to know again


For process to be process, it seems like some basic capacities are necessary: change, recognition of similarity (of change, process, method, do-over, not of objects).


Why is it easier to imagine baseline flux of randomness rather than order? And why does it seem that orderly change requires something more than random change when random change is infinitely more complex? In fact... maybe it is exactly that: infinite complexity. It takes some type of simplification for there to be "a process."  Maybe the simplest beginning (in a process frame of reference) is some simple pattern/vibration/recurrance/breathing/cycle/loop. 


It's challenging to even imagine in these terms because I'm so trained to think in terms of objects. How can something exist unless it is a THING?  How can process be the underlying sub-stance? What insight or shift in perspective lets this all snap into focus?


For composing in the relational/process space, it seems like there must be: a relational order embodied in an appropriate geometry/topology, dimensions of variance/change for any order, bindings to specific values/ranges, constraints of allowed values/ranges, listerners/triggers for orders/dimensions/values/ranges.


difference... like subtraction... like resonance... but not quite... ?



CD_004+juicy bits

  • Against a background of flux/change, a loop (the ability for a process to repeat a) is the first "order" the first stability from which all future order/process can be constructed.
  • Without a process that can repeat there is no order.

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