....over a few days of fermentation on the deep fractal ordering layers of process... 


matter as the effluvia of process... how process has shat out the world.


signal = a record of a change in relationships


What's new: "Speaking" in the substrate of social organisms to allow the emergence of blissful dancing in shared protocols.


Music and poetry as experiential process... while semantic language is ossified into object-based frame of reference.


Superstition as embodied process responses to process instead of symbolic "understanding"


How do we create an "infectious rhythm" that has people move to its beat?


"Music with Lyrics" ... functional dance... economic dance...


Like Cro-Magnon vs. Neanderthal... Do we need new processing equipment for the new processing we're doing?  How does it integrate? Cyborg?


How is shallow numeracy such an infective virus? How do we make ours more infectious?



Wheeled by Wagn v. 0.18.1