Pics Start Date:
April 1, 2012
Notes Date (end):
March 30, 2012
Nadine, Farmhouse, Moufraj
Creation of CoreDump Grammar, First use of whiteboards at QIVC
Cosmology as protocols, Expanding matter as Information with internal archived history
Change in the context of signals = dimension of variability on the carrier described/encoded by a protocol
Change in the context of scaping = differences that make a difference
Change in the context of Receptors/Membranes =
Bliss / Joy / Transcendent Attraction as a function of Protocol Accord (Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Wellfulness)
CD_001+juicy bits
- Dimensions as verbs: exist/relate, extend, spin
- “Protocol” = First Glue
- Existence as relation / spin --> 3d / matter uses spin protocol, EM spectrum uses flux protocol
- Coherence at center of 3 section diagram (see media)
- Getting out of Computational Flatland – 1d linear without coherences – spin
- Change ... Delta as coherence... consciousness... change...
Embodied Running Protocols
Spin, Flatland, Expansion,
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